Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Fascia and gutters on and windows have arrived

3 days after the frame was up - the fascia and gutter is on and the windows have arrived.
A.m.a.z.i.n.g :)

Saturday, October 22, 2016


I arrived at Beechworth today to find that our frame has gone up!  Much excitement as I walked through the various rooms.  I'm beyond thrilled with the speed with which things are happening.
Kudos Hadar Homes!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

....and then there was a slab poured!

More progress.  These early stages of the actual build seem to be moving really fast.  Again, thanks to the organisation of Hadar Homes.

I had a wedding to photograph in Kergunyah yesterday so went via the block to see how it looks with the slab poured.  Always looks like rooms are so small at this stage, but I know it will look fine when we move in!

Aaaaah - the feeling of progress is wonderful!  Frame starts this coming week.  Yay!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Its started!

I am so excited!  We've just returned from 2 weeks in Bali and on the way home we stopped in at Beechworth (knowing there was progress) to see the retaining wall done and also the site cut.  Small steps I know - but we are so happy.

It's been such a long road to this happening - there were times when I wondered if it would happen. But it has and I have to give full credit to Hadar Homes for the speed they are working at now.